Amazing Stories
TV Time

Amazing Stories

In the tradition of The Twilight Zone and Alfred Hitchcock Presents, Amazing Stories was a weekly anthology series that poked at the strange and fantastical part of life—that sneaky little part-fact/part-fiction creature that tramps through campfire stories and fairy tales, […]

Kung Fu
TV Time

Kung Fu

“Snatch the pebble from my hand, grasshopper.” Kung Fu was an ‘Eastern western,’ an unlikely but effective blend of the Western genre and Eastern mysticism. However, it didn’t rely on its genre-bending to pull in viewers: […]

Cop Rock
TV Time

Cop Rock

When people who aren’t television fans are asked why they don’t watch, they usually answer with something like, “It’s just the same old stuff,” or “No one has tried anything new on television in years.” […]

TV Time


Most folks, if they got their hands on a time-travel device, would probably end up using it to bet on sporting events, sign the Beatles, take vengeance on childhood bullies, kill Hitler, or maybe stop Abraham […]

Wonder Woman
TV Time

Wonder Woman

Based on Charles Moulton’s 1940’s comic superhero, Wonder Woman first hit the live-action airwaves in a 1974 made-for-TV movie, starring Cathy Lee Crosby as the great one and Ricardo Montalban as her enemy. Another TV […]