Amazing Stories
TV Time

Amazing Stories

In the tradition of The Twilight Zone and Alfred Hitchcock Presents, Amazing Stories was a weekly anthology series that poked at the strange and fantastical part of life—that sneaky little part-fact/part-fiction creature that tramps through campfire stories and fairy tales, […]

Speed Racer
Saturday Morning Memories

Speed Racer

“Here he comes, here comes Speed Racer,He’s a demon on wheels…” Speed Racer is, without a doubt, the best remembered of the 60’s Japanimation series. Set in the world of high-tech auto racing, the show detailed […]

Kung Fu
TV Time

Kung Fu

“Snatch the pebble from my hand, grasshopper.” Kung Fu was an ‘Eastern western,’ an unlikely but effective blend of the Western genre and Eastern mysticism. However, it didn’t rely on its genre-bending to pull in viewers: […]

Jonny Quest
Saturday Morning Memories

Jonny Quest

Jonny Quest is one of the longest-running Saturday morning cartoon shows of all time, alongside such mainstays as Scooby-Doo and Fat Albert. Unlike Scoob and Al, however, only 26 episodes were produced of the original Jonny Quest. The show was […]